Short Path Puzzle

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Short Path Puzzle is one of all addictive free and fun online puzzle games that will have you glued to your computer screen, as you try to make it from one level to the next. Why not give your brain a workout, and have a little fun while you’re at it. Short Path Puzzle A funny puzzle game in which you have to try find the shortest path to the girl.. Read the ingame instructions carefully to find out how to play this free online flash game. Please enjoy this game at: Short Path Puzzle. You can see more this game at: Short Path Puzzle Blog
Your task in this game is simple, you need to find the shortest step between you and your target. Be happy to find obstacles as they will increase your step. Watch out for step bonuses as they will minus your step.
A funny pathfinding puzzle flash game in which you have to find the shortest path to the girl, the game has an impressive 300 levels.


Click one of the red-highlighted squares to select which direction and how far you’d like to go. Continue to do this until you’ve selected a path leading to your sweetheart or enemy. Find the shortest path possible. Click to follow your chosen path.
Crossing animals will add steps to your total, and crossing romantic gifts will subtract steps (see below). If there is a hole in the path, it may be a dead end or have no effect, but you will not know until you walk across it.
Sheep: 1, Cat: 2, Dog: 3, Wolf: 4
Flower: -3, Chocolate: -4, Candy: -5
This game is played with your mouse.
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